How to Care for a Fireplace with a Concrete Surround


Concrete is well-known as a durable, solid material. It’s gained increasing popularity in architecture, and our modern fireplace surrounds suit exclusive homes beautifully. Although it’s a low-maintenance material, regular cleaning and care are still necessary. Looking after your concrete fireplace maintains its appearance and prevents long-term damage to retain and even increase your home’s value.

Use Appropriate Cleaning Tools

Like all natural stone products, untreated concrete is porous and can draw in water and dirt, forming stains. Hence, all Sculptural Design concrete fireplace surrounds are sealed to create a top layer of protection that enables quick removal of dust or spills.

Still, harsh cleaning products can damage the protective layer around the fireplace. The concrete surround should never come into contact with ammonia, chlorine bleach, and other abrasive chemicals. Instead, everyday warm water and mild soap with a clean cloth or soft-bristled brush are all you need.

Schedule Regular Fireplace Maintenance

Regular maintenance is necessary to avoid fireplaces eventually showing wear and tear. The best way to keep concrete looking fresh is to polish it once a week and reseal the surface every two to three years. Remember to use non-abrasive polish formulated for natural stone.

Keeping your fireplace well-ventilated is also essential. Annual chimney inspections and cleanings ensure smoke can escape without staining your fireplace surround because chimney blockages cause smoke build-up in the firebox.

Handle Your Concrete with Care

Be kind to your fireplace and its concrete surround by carefully placing coasters or trivets under pot plants and candles. When using your fireplace, handle metal pokers and tongs with care to avoid causing any damage. These proactive measures prevent accidental scratches and spills that may damage the concrete and shorten its lifespan.

Teach your children and train your pets not to play near the fireplace to keep dirty hands and paws off the concrete, like you would with other wall surfaces in your home. When renovating your home, direct builders and furniture movers away from the fireplace to prevent accidental bumps with tools and heavy objects.

Repair Damages When They Appear

Even with proper care and maintenance, damages sometimes occur. Don’t worry if your concrete fireplace surround has a few chips or scratches – most minor damages are easy to repair. We will gladly visit you at home to assess the fireplace’s condition and help you buff out any surface imperfections to restore smoothness and shine.

Our professional team can also assist with regular resealing and provide additional maintenance tips to help you keep your fireplace looking its best. Remember, the sooner you fix minor damages, the less time they have to become serious problems!

Speak To a Fireplace Professional

Concrete fireplace surrounds are timeless architectural elements that deserve careful treatment. Whether you’ve recently installed a concrete fireplace or are interested in building one, Sculptural Design can answer all your care and maintenance questions. We have been installing precast concrete in Calgary since 2002. Feel free to get in touch for more information.